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21 June 2024

ARTnews on Basel’s First Digital Art Fair

The impact of digital art in Basel is more significant than one may think.


ARTnews on Basel’s First Digital Art Fair

“There is a need to educate, to show collectors that digital art is an interesting and rich genre,” Georg Bak, the founder of The Digital Art Mile, told ARTnews. The extensive media coverage and the positive response prove that this goal was achieved. As a participating platform, we feel the same.


Read the ARTnews article with interviews of fair artists and founders to learn more about The Digital Art Mile's significant debut.  


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How it went: Digital Dialogues by Art Basel

Nothing feels better than fetching the chairs urgently for a great number of attendees of Digital Dialogues hosted by Art Basel last week. TAEX was honoured to participate in this talk. Three people-packed panels were followed by a poetry reading by Sasha Stiles and wrapped by a cocktail reception hosted by TAEX. Our capacities and expectations were indeed exceeded.

20 June 2024