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14 June 2024

The Art Newspaper on the rise of the digital in Basel

Check out the latest copy of TAN Dailies for a take on The Digital Art Mile, where TAEX presented Krista Kim


The Art Newspaper on the rise of the digital in Basel

When Art Basel rolls in, there are many things to get excited about.


One of them is undoubtedly The Art Newspaper Dailies — exclusive daily editions of the newspaper. This year, TAEX was featured both in the offline and online editions through the lens of Aimee Dawson, who pondered the question: how will Art Basel respond to a surge of digital-art initiatives in Switzerland? Find out via the link


Image: errr10 (2024) by Qubibi


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ARTnews on Basel’s First Digital Art Fair

“There is a need to educate, to show collectors that digital art is an interesting and rich genre,” Georg Bak, the founder of The Digital Art Mile, told ARTnews. The extensive media coverage and the positive response prove that this goal was achieved. As a participating platform, we feel the same.

21 June 2024