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26 April 2024

How it Went: Opening of Scoletta dell’Arte: Digital Reform Exhibition in Venice


How it Went: Opening of Scoletta dell’Arte: Digital Reform Exhibition in Venice

On April 18th, TAEX welcomed guests and friends in Venice, at Scoletta Dell’Arte Digital Reform exhibition opening. The visitors were invited to experience pieces that visualise the process of learning to make digital art and its direct links with the History of Art in a playful, yet profound way. Scheduled to run until the 15th of September, the show features works by renowned digital artists — Shu Lea Cheang, Francesco D’Isa, MAOTIK, Funa Ye, Andrea Meregalli, Accurat — alongside a collection of artworks by old masters — Theodore Gericault, Abraham Bloemaert, George Rouault, Kazimir Malevich.

Andrea Meregalli, You Are Making Art, Installation

Emerging from the wind and intermittent rain of Venice, people from all ways of art streamed towards the ornate gates of the former scoletta-turned-digital-art-hub, where TAEX proudly presented its truly foundational exhibition. Despite the unstable weather and the art events overload, Scoletta dell’Arte: Digital Reform garnered a crowd of renowned guests (even the busy Hans Ulrich Obrist paid a brief yet curious visit) — art collectors, gallery and museum directors, artists of La Biennale. 

The busy entry to Scoletta


Greeted at the front by the curator Dr Antonio Geusa and TAEX Team, the visitors began their journey with a glass of champagne and an interactive installation by Andrea Meregalli. The work, which invited guests to generate their own artworks with their presence, produced over 400 images and many conversations that night.


Opening guests interacting with Vera AI


The evening began at 4 pm and went very much over time, with guests packed tightly across the 3 levels of the exhibition. Vera — TAEX’s text-to-image AI software garnered a queue of users, eager to generate their own images in the 4 genres of digital art.


We would like to thank our wonderful guests for their precious time during the La Biennale opening days and of course, the stimulating conversations that keep us going.  


Please enjoy the full event image archive here. Kindly note that any reproduction of the photographs must be credited.



Scoletta Battioro e Tiraoro di Venezia

Salizada San Stae, 1980, 30135 Venezia VE, Italy


Opening times

19 April - 15 September

Tuesday to Sunday 10 am - 6pm, Mondays closed


For any inquiries please contact:

TAEX Head of Development 

Stefanie De Regel


Press Contacts
Vlada One
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