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19 March 2024

How it went: TAEX at NFT Paris 2024


How it went: TAEX at NFT Paris 2024

On the 23-24th of February TAEX joined an inspiring crowd at the 3rd edition of NFT Paris to present a new collection Neogene by world-renowned architect Alper Derinboğaz featured on our platform. Throughout two rainy days in Paris digital art collectors and leaders of web3 were exchanging about the future of industry at Grand Palais Éphémère, right in front of the Eiffel Tower.


TAEX proudly presented Neogene — the first digital art collection by Alper Derinboğaz. A globally-thinking architect, he expanded his interdisciplinary approach towards digital art using the tools of big data analysis and artificial intelligence. As someone who had been using technologies as the founding base for the future constructions of his architectural projects, Alper perfectly anticipates the future merge of ideas, art and technology.




Dedicated to one of the oldest metals on Earth — bismuth — Neogene shows its geological transformation throughout the existence of our planet. In a couple of minutes we witness the dynamics of bismuth over tens of thousands of years. Ten unique 3D artefacts were presented at the TAEX booth with black mirrors that were reflecting the artwork and inviting the visitors to contemplate the flux of time inside a huge temporary building—Grand Palais Éphémère.



TAEX together with Makerspace hosted a Collectors Club dinner in order to share ideas and get fully ready for the NFT Paris fair, uniting art collectors curious about the perspectives of digital art.



We would like to thank our partners MakersPlace for the outstanding collaboration!


Please enjoy the full event image archive here. Note, that any reproduction of the photographs must be credited.


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